Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Home Remedy: Hair Treatment, that works!

If you're like me, you probably have hundreds of dollars of unused cosmetics just sitting in your bathroom wasting space and collecting dust, sound familiar? Personally, hair care treatments are the most unused products on my shelf, and I'm sick of getting sucked in by clever marketing and pretty packaging. Every time I go to the hairdressers, or walk past Hairhouse Warehouse, I'm seduced by the promise of luscious locks and the images of girls with gorgeous shine and volume. The worst part of all is these products often contain harmful chemical agents that do more damage to our hair and scalps than good! 
Well today I fight back!
I'd like to introduce you to a fantastic home remedy that will give you the locks of your dreams. The best part of all is that it REALLY works, and you will probably already have everything you need in the pantry at home- bonus! 
I usually do this treatment overnight as it is a tad messy, and it allows the ingredients to do their thing while I sleep.
The Amazing, Awe Inspiring, NATURAL alternative to expensive hair treatments is... (drumroll please) ... below!
You will need:- Olive Oil (Make sure it's olive oil! This whole treatment will cost you about $2 so don't stinge on a cheaper oil!)
- A lemon (Make sure you use real lemons and not bottled "lemon juice")
- A small bowl, and a fork
- An old hair-tie and a hair wrap if you have one, or you can just use an old pillowcase!
- An old towel
- A second hair tie for securing the pillowcase
1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon (short-mid length hair), or a whole lemon (long hair) into the bowl.
2. Add the same amount of olive oil, (judge this based upon how long your hair is obviously).
3. Use the fork to whisk the two together.
4. Generously apply the mixture to the mids and ends of your hair not the roots! There is no need to brush the treatment through. (Our hair is weakest when it is wet, so a little tip is never brush your hair when it is saturated, after showers always give it a good towel dry first!) Be careful not to pull or tangle your ends, just let it sit and absorb the nutrients.
5. Put your hair up in a plait, or a loose bun, whatever works for you!
6. Put your hair wrap/ pillowcase on, (you may need to use another hair tie to secure if your're using a pillowcase.)
7. Get a good nights rest! Some product might get onto your pillowcase, so I'd recomend putting the old towel down to cover the pillow!
8. Double shampoo the product out of your hair in the morning, to ensure you get it all out. If you usually double shampoo, then you may prefer to tripple wash your hair after this treatment.
9. If you have the time, let your hair dry naturally. Your hair will thank you for giving it such TLC. 
Your hair will have an amazing amount of shine to it, AND you'll notice it's feeling a little healthier. For those of you that have early morning starts and don't want to sleep with the treatment on, you can pop it on when you get home, and then shampoo it out just before bed! Voila! 

If you have any other home remedies I'd love to hear from you. What have you tried in the past? Comments below are welcome or send me an email at!

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